Thursday, January 27, 2011

Embracing the Snow Day

Arlington County Schools are off today because of the storm, which means that day care is off, which means that I2X is having a snow day!

I could sit around and complain about how the snow stopped at like 10pm last night, and they had *all* night to clean it up - yet school was still closed today. But that would just be me being a Rochester/Buffalo weather snob. Nope, I decided today I would embrace the snow day.

The little one and I took a little sled-hiking adventure at Gravelly Point. After 30 minutes of suiting up we were ready to make our way over to the park.

Once there, we did a nice trudge through the effectively empty park. Reagan National Airport was open, and flights were streaming off the runway every few minutes, which made the adventure all the more fun.

After about 15 minutes, I turned around and started pulling the sled back to our car. At this point, our little one decided he absolutely needed to be up and out of the sled. So, I carried here and dragged the sled back to our car.

Here's a few photos from our little adventure. Also notice the bonus animated GIF which is a collection of photos I shot when were at home and our little guy was getting his snow sea-legs.

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