Friday, November 27, 2009

California Adventure - Day 1

Shira and I have decided to squeeze in one more little vacation before 2009 comes to a close. Between our frequent flyer miles, and what each of us finds ideal in a vacation (Ben: hiking, Shira: relaxing), we settled on a week trip to Palm Springs, CA. We flew into LAX last night, and today made our way to Palm Springs.

Around DC, anytime there's a historic momument or site to see, there's a brown sign on the highway that announces it. I have this dream that one day we'll leisurely drive from point A to point B and stop at all the Brown Signs along the way. Of course it never works that way - we're always driving with some purpose in mind, and never have time to pull off and see the random site being mentioned on the sign.

But this trip from LA to Palm Springs was going to be different. We were going to go with no specific plans, and just stopped at whatever random sites we saw.

After driving for some time, the GPS announced we were going to be passing the Mission Inn Museum. That seemed like a random enough site to stop at, so we routed our way there.

The museum turned out to be a tiny 2-room affair in the town's famous Mission Inn. So while it wasn't that exciting, it did allow us to find a nice place to stop for lunch. We also drove by a park with an impressive looking mountain, equipped with gigantic Flag and Cross at the summit. After lunch, we made our way back to the park to poke around.

Turns out, the park was actually at the base of Mt Rubidoux. And while we didn't realize it at the start of our little exploration, there was actually quite a bit to see on this hill. Sure enough, you can make it to the top where the flag and cross are. There's also a host of plaques as well as a world-peace monument and a couple of bridges. It turned out to be a huge treat.

So I got my random site seeing in. Now it's time to head to the hotel and try this whole relaxation thing. It's not my strong suite, but I've been informed that this vacation I should plan to do quite a bit of it.

[More Photos Coming Soon]

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